Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We are back!

I have been feeling pretty guilty about not documenting the boys' childhood- they don't even have baby books! I am going to try and start writing a few things on this blog again. There are two main reasons that I may actually stick with it- 1. Brogan refuses to let me leave his room until he falls asleep, which usually takes 30 minutes 2. Josh recently made up for his previous 30th birthday gift (don't ask!) by getting me an iPad. I absolutely love it. The plan is to utilize the 30 minutes of hanging out in B's room to write some stuff down. Last Friday, we went to the bull wars in Kamas. After about two riders C was hooked. He has spent the past 5 days riding his bull (aka stick horse) around yelling " buzz, and that is a qualified ride!". It is scary and entertaining. Mark my words, that stick horse is as close to a bull as he will ever get as long as he lives in my house. His other current passion is boating. That will need to be another entire post. He is so passionate about things, it is amazing. Brogan is now absolutely addicted to his binks. He takes three to bed, one for his mouth and one for each hand. Don't even think about short changing him because he can throw a fit like nobody's business. I am secretly starting to worry that he may be the 5 year old kid walking around Walmart sucking a bink- worse yet, I will be that kid's enabling mom. On a different note, B is now able to climb up on the big outside toy, make his way up to the big slide and go down all by himself. That is quite an accomplishment, at the beginning of May he could't even climb up by himself. He is growing so quickly, 18 months already. Tomorrow night- pictures!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

5 months - almost!

Hello Everyone!
Carter is growing so quickly, it is impossible to keep up with all of his changes! He will be 5 months on Sunday. He is about 27" and 17 lbs. I think I mentioned in an early post that he was rolling from his belly to his back. That was a short lived trick. Now he in constantly rolling from his back to his belly, but refuses to go belly to back. So basically we set him down to play, he rolls onto his belly, plays for about 3 minutes and then yells until we roll him back to his back. Repeat, repeat, repeat! :) He is also just starting to sit up on his own. I am guessing he will have it mastered in the next few weeks.

He really discovered his voice in the past two weeks. He can holler and talk with the best of them. Now when I drive him to daycare, he talks to me the entire way, I love it! He has also started reaching for what he wants - toys, sippy cups, people... It is hard to beat the feeling you get when you walk by him and he reaches out for you! It is bittersweet when I am holding him and he reaches out for Miss. Lindsey at daycare. He is doing really well in daycare, all the ladies love him. He has some friends, Lucas and Kevin, that he is dying to keep up with.

He also loves spending time with his cousins, Kelton and Teaghan. He thinks they are the coolest kids around. When they are together he just watches them with delight. Teaghan is very sweet with him she is always bringing him toys to play with. Kelton is excited for when Carter gets to do "big boy stuff" like him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Be sure to check out the new halloween post, it is one the second page because of all the pictures!

Carter had cereal for the first time on the 18th of October. He really loved the first two bites, but hasn't swallowed a bite since!
Here Daddy, let me help you with that spoon.
Just put it in my mouth already!!
Now, that is what I am talking about, lets have some more!
Why have you two been holding out on me? This cereal is delicious!

Ok, two bites is enough. The novelty has worn off.
happy halloween everyone! Grandma Joan was making him laugh and I was taking the pictures.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello From Montana!

Hello All! Carter and I are up in Montana for a few days. Josh was supposed to go out of town for work Tuesday through Saturday. I didn't really like the idea of beinging home alone with Carter again this week, so we decided Carter and I would pack up and head north. Carter and I were about 2 hours out of Butte when Josh found out he was actually heading home until Thursday. I offered to turn around, but he said no. I think he knew that I was going a little stir crazy at home and he also liked the idea of a night or two with out a whining wife and baby. :)

We are having a lot of fun up here. Wednesday we hung out with Uncle Bryan all day and then Grandma Betty cooked us a delicous dinner and we sat out on her patio and visited. Thursday we met Grandma Betty, Theresa, Joyce and Grandma Joan for lunch at the Uptown. It was delicous. Last night all the men had golf league so all the ladies, Cael and Jace came over to see Carter. We had a good time visiting with everyone. Today Grandpa Frank took the afternoon off to play with Carter, right now they are hanging out on the back deck. And then tonight we are meeting up with my friends from high school, Ashley, Lisa and Tressa for dinner. Tomorrow we head home.